Desert Cassia - British Virgin Islands

Salt Island was once a regular stopping point for ships sailing along the trade routes of the Caribbean. Passing ships would load the salt harvested from the island’s evaporation pond as a way of preserving the perishable foods sustaining the crews on their long voyages. The island fell into disuse with the advent of refrigeration.

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Senna polyphylla - The desert cassia is a evergreen species found in the limestone scrub areas of Anegada, one of several islands of the British Virgin Islands. It is a colorful shrub growing no taller than 4 meters. The fragrant yellow flowers of a mature plant bloom year round and provide a rich source of food for bees and butterflies. The fruits are contained in small legume pods. Most of the 50 species contained in the Senna genus are native to the tropic and include herbs, shrubs, and trees. The desert cassia is part of the pea family.