Please Read

The number of independent nations in the world various from one source to another; this project currently recognizes 197 sovereign nations. Each nation is represented with at least two full pages of images and text. Some nations will have additional pages expanding into other areas of discussion. A wide range of information is used to provide an insight relative to the states, territories, cities, state emblems, specific flora or fauna, flags, people, historical backgrounds, and several other aspects pertaining to each nation. The participant will be able to bring their creative abilities and imagination into play for the completion of each page.

The various pages posted on this site are copyrighted and should not be duplicated, transferred, downloaded, or archived to any computer for monetary gain. You are encouraged to print them for personal use.

There are currently eleven titles in “The Nations of the World” series; Africa, The Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania, South Africa, Canada, the United States of America, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Australia combined with New Zealand. A large political map of the world is also available in PDF format; it measures 70” x 30”.

Pages are set in the landscape position on A4 paper; they can be resized to fit standard American sized paper of 8.5” x 11".

The posted images are low resolution JPG images. High resolutions PDF's are available of the entire set, almost  800 pages for $25.00.

On those maps limiting the true scale of nations or territories, especially the micro-states, a square with a center dot is used to designate the nation; for territories and dependencies, a triangle with a center dot is used.

If the user decides to color the images, colored pencils produce the best results; crayon tips are not fine enough to reach into the small corners of the detailed images. Using water color would not be advisable; the seepage would make it extremely difficult to “stay within the lines." Colored pencils are erasable.

Great care has been taken in proofreading and editing for grammar, spelling, and most importantly, credible facts. This project has been meticulously planned, but even the best could be made better. Any suggestion from you will be seriously considered and any corrections graciously appreciated. Your participation through comments and questions are welcome; they do have merit and will be addressed.

We live in a world constantly changing and not only through natural design, but also through human intervention.This demands adjustments to information be made as they occur. This project will strive to keep pace with those changes and continue to expand with new pages. You can keep your collection up to date by frequent visits to this blog site or by signing up for an e-mail notification when new material is available.

Thank you

Reynaldo Schneck