Take A Quiz

Test your knowledge and take a tour of the various pages available in "The Nations of the World" by taking a short quiz. After viewing the ANSWER, click the return button on your browser to return to this page. Ready . . . .

01) What is the oldest European settlement in the continental United States?

Click for ANSWER.

02) What is the world's tallest mountain?

Click for ANSWER.

03) Which Asian capital city is known as "Krung Thep" in its native language?

Click for ANSWER.

04) Name the four primary languages spoken in the Caribbean region.

Click for ANSWER.

05) How many legs does a lobster have?

Click for ANSWER.

06) Name the seven living members of the cat family grouped as the "large-bodied cats."

Click for ANSWER.

07) What is China's largest ethnic group?

Click for ANSWER.

08) When did Germany unify as a nation for the first time?

Click for ANSWER.

09) What was the name of the ship used in Charles Darwin's trip around the world?

Click for ANSWER.

10) When was the Roman Empire founded?

Click for ANSWER.

11) Where was the Conestoga wagon built?

Click for ANSWER.

12) How many states did the original Confederate States of America consist of when first founded?

Click for ANSWER.

Hopefully you passed the quiz and enjoyed the concept of this project.