Weever Fish - Melilla

With the fall of the Emirate of Granada and the imminent demise of Islamic rule in Spain, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand decided to bring the battle to Africa. Mellila, a small seaport on the North African coast, became a prime target and was captured in 1497. Mellila is one of two Spanish controlled territories in Africa.

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Echiichthys vipera and Trachinus Draco - The lesser and greater weever fish are two of nine extant species in the family Trachinidae. With the exception of one species, weever fish are found in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. Unlike most bony fish, they have no swim bladder and sink when not in motion. Weever fish spend the day partially buried in the seabed with only the top of their heads exposed, waiting for to snatch up smaller fish. The venomous spines deter predators and can cause a painful sting to careless humans.