Common Buzzard - Albania

Buteo buteo - The common buzzard is found throughout Eurasia. It is a year long resident in most of Europe, but migrates from the colder regions of Scandinavia and Western Russia to Southern Africa and India. The buzzard will build nesting sites along the fringes of wooded areas. With a wingspan of 135 centimeters, hunting is limited to open fields and meadows. Buzzards are solitary birds, but will flock together when migrating or when the local area has an abundance of prey animals.

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Albania was part of the Ottoman Empire from 1385 to 1912. The call for an independent Albania was voiced through the League of Prizren, an organization formed in 1878. It was founded in response to the Congress of Berlin, convened in the same year for the purpose of reassigning borders in the Balkan region following the Ottoman Empire’s loss to Russia in the Russo-Turkish War. Albanians were not pleased with the results of the conference and began the struggle leading to independence in 1912.