European Pine Marten - Montenegro

The Durmitor National Park was created in 1952 and is located in Northwestern Montenegro. It includes the Durmitor Massif and the canyons formed by the Tara, Sušica, and Draga Rivers. The area is approximately 390 square kilometers. The Tara Canyon is 1,300 meters deep, the second deepest gorge in the world.

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Martes martes - European and Asian wooded areas with scrub covered fields are ideal habitats for the European pine marten. It is the only member of the Mustelid family with semi-retractable claws. This feature allows the pine marten to extend its forging range to include trees. The pine marten’s diet is varied and  consists of rodents, frogs, birds, and insects. They will also eat carrion, berries, nuts, and honey when available. Pine martens living near water have been known to eat crabs and barnacles.