Hooded Seal - Saint Pierre And Miquelon

France maintains several categories in defining its many territorial possessions. The islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon have the status of being an “overseas collectivity” territory. João Álvares Fagundes, a Portuguese explorer, landed on the islands in 1520, but they were claimed for France by Jacques Cartier in 1536.

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Cystophora cristata - The hooded seal’s name is derived from the large inflatable sac extending from the nostril to their forehead; only males have this feature. Sexually mature males also have the ability to blow a pinkish balloon out of their left nostril. The males use these displays as a means of intimidating rivals during courtship battles and to attract females. This odd feature is also used as a signaling device in defining status within a group for feeding privileges or basking rights and as a general indicator of the animal’s health.