Martinique Lancehead - Martinique

Mount Pelée is a volcano located in the northern region of Martinique. It is listed as being quiescent, a term describing an inactive volcano registering seismic activity. The 1902 Mount Pelée eruption became the 3rd deadliest volcanic eruption in modern history. The pyroclastic flows killed more than 30,000 people.

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Bothrops lanceolatus - Thirty-two species make up the Bothrops genus. This group is closely related to the rattlesnake and is also found only in the Americas. The Martinique lancehead, or fer-de-lance, is endemic to the island of Martinique. It is named for its large triangular head. The body is slender, olive-brown in color, and has dark hourglass markings on the dorsal side; the underside is greyish-white. In length, the snake grows to a maximum of 1.8 meters. The lancehead is a nocturnal predator and shelters in burrows during the day.