Springtails - Moldova

Lathriopyga nistru - There are three groups of wingless arthropods: Collembola, Protura, and Diplura. Springtails belong to the Collembola group, the largest of the three. Springtails were once classified as insects, but have been reassigned to the arthropod family because they have internal mouth parts; insects have external mouth parts. Springtails are omnivores and start the decomposition process of organic matter through their ability to fragment the material they feed on.

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The Principality of Moldavia was formed near a settlement along the Moldova River in 1359 by Dragoș Vodă. In 1538, Moldova became a semi-independent state within the Ottoman Empire. The Treaty of Bucharest, signed in 1812, ended the Russo-Turkish War and awarded the eastern section of Moldova to Russia. The western section merged with Romania. Various territories of Moldova were shuffled back and forth between Russian and Romanian control until the country achieved independence in 1991.