Almond - Syria

Between 1974 and 1975, more than 1,800 ancient clay tablets were uncovered in Ebla, Syria. The tablets were written in the Sumerian conic script, an ancient language known as Eblaite, a reference to the location where the tablets were found. The tablets provide an insight to Ebla, an early Syrian kingdom.

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Prunus amygdalus - The almond tree is a deciduous tree classified in the same family of trees featuring plums, cherries, apricots, nectarines, and peaches. Depending on location, the almond tree can grow from 4 to 10 meters in height and begins yielding a mature crop 3 years after planting. The plant originated in the Eastern Mediterranean region and has a wide variety of uses. Almonds can be eaten whole, used in marzipan, made into almond butter or almond milk, and can be used in making amaretto, a sweet liqueur.