Deniz Carp - Turkey

Çatalhöyük, located in the southern Anatolia region of Turkey, was one of the largest settlements of the 7th millennium BC. The site covered 12.8 hectares and is the best preserved Neolithic site ever found. Lacking streets to the individual houses, access was gained through the use of ladders and by walking across the rooftops.

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Cyprinus carpio yilmaz - The Deniz carp is one of four sub-species of the common carp found along the coast of Turkey. The common carp is native to Asia, but has spread throughout the world aside from the polar regions. It is considered an invasive species in most of the areas where it has been introduced. The carp primarily grubs along the muddy bottom searching for food by inhaling a mouthful of sediment and spitting out what it does not want. This feeding behavior can be disruptive to delicate marine ecosystems.