Ngirhaphium Murphyi - Singapore

Ngirhaphium murphyi - There are over 80 species of long-legged flies endemic to Singapore. Ngirhaphium murphyi is one such fly and can be found in the mangroves of Singapore. The average male body length is a mere 5.7 to 6.7 millimeters and features a wingspan stretching from 5.25 to 6 millimeters. It is a colorful fly: yellow legs covered with fine black hair, translucent wings of a brownish tint, and a shiny green metallic frons; the frons is the section of the head lying directly between the eyes.

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In 1819, the British East India Company negotiated a treaty with Sultan Hussein Shah to granting the British exclusive rights in setting up a trading colony in present day Singapore. By 1824, the British had managed to gain further concessions and controlled the entire island. Singapore was briefly occupied by the Japanese during World War II; 1942 to 1945. Singapore returned to the British fold until 1963, when it became part of Malaysia. Disagreements led Singapore to declaring its independence in 1965.