Snow Leopard - Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyztan has several outstanding geographical features: the average altitude for Kyrgyzstan is 2,750 meters, the highest of any country in the world, the Tian Shan Mountain range covers 80% of the country, Kyrgyzstan is further away from an open sea than any other country, and none of its rivers drain into an ocean or sea.

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Panthera uncia - During the warm summer months, the snow leopard roams throughout the higher alpine meadows amid the snow and glaciers lying above the tree line. During the winter, it follows the migratory routes of prey animals moving into the lower forests or scrub regions. Unless breeding or in the case of a female being accompanied by cubs, the snow leopard is a solitary animal. It is well adapted for cold regions: a short stocky body, dense fur to protect it from the cold, and wide paws for traveling over deep snowy terrain.