Socotra Scops Owl - Yemen

Otus socotranus - The Socotra scops owl is limited to the island of Socotra. Despite being confined to such a small niche, it is not a threatened species. With a length averaging 15 centimeters and a wingspan stretching to 135 millimeters, the scops owl is one of the smallest owls. It is not large enough to take on bigger prey and feeds primarily on insects. Nests are usually built in tree holes, but not in areas exceeding 1,000 meters in altitude.

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In May of 1990, the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen united with the Yemen Arab Republic. A unified Yemen had been the goal of Imam Yahya Muhammad Hamid ed-Din, king of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen from 1904 to 1948. The unification was not fully accepted by the south and a brief civil war erupted in 1994. The northern army quickly routed the southern forces and sent the leadership into exile, but has been unable to resolve continued southern desires for secession.