Yak - Nepal

The current flag of Nepal was adopted in 1962 and is the only national flag consisting of two single pennons. The top pennant represents the moon and the lower pennant the sun. An earlier design was similar with the exception of the moon and sun having human facial features: a mouth, eyes, eyebrows, and a nose.
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Bos mutus - Most yaks are the domesticated version, a species referred to as Bos grunniens; the wild yak is labeled as Bos mutus. The number of wild yaks is estimated at less than 15,000 individuals. Being bovines, yaks form herds, usually small in numbers, and made up of a few males and several females with their young. For hundreds of years the domesticated yak has been as important to the steppe people of Central Asia as the llama has been to the Andean people of South America; both animals serve in similar capacities.