Apollo Butterflies - Kazakstan

The world’s first and largest space launch facility is located in Kazakstan. Control is maintained by Russia through a lease agreement extending to 2050. The Baikonur Cosmodrome was the launch site for the first manned space flight featuring Yuri Gagarin and for placing Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, into earth’s orbit.

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Parnassius delphius - The butterfly genus Parnassius is general referred to as the “Apollo” group and consists of 54 species. The Apollo butterflies are high altitude insects and are usually found in the 2,000 to 3,000 meter range. Most Apollo species are rare, but the delphis, also known as the banded Apollo, is a common sight, and distributed throughout Central Asia. The Apollo butterflies are easily recognized; they have a whitish grey color, rounded wings, and most species feature a prominent red “eye” pattern on the upper side of the wings.