Common Bottlenose Dolphin - Bahrain

The nation of Bahrain consists of several islands located in the Persian Gulf. The island of Bahrain, the largest of the archipelago, is connected to Saudi Arabia through the King Fahd Causeway. Construction on the 25 kilometers of bridges and elevated causeways began in 1981 and was completed in 1986.

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Tursiops truncatus - Except for the polar regions, the common bottlenose dolphin is found throughout the world. Locally, they travel in pods of 10 to 15 individuals, but can aggregate to form large groups exceeding several hundred individuals when migrating over long distances. Their diet consists of squid, eels, shrimp, and fish from the pelagic zone; pelagic describes an open sea area.  Although bottlenose dolphins have teeth, they swallow their food whole; the teeth help to keep food in the mouth, preventing it from escaping.