Giant Panda - China

Limestone caves were ideal shelters for early hominids. The best known location in China is the Zhoukoudian Cave, located west of Beijing. This large cave is 171 meters long, 49 meters wide, and was occupied 700,000 years ago by an early subspecies of homo erectus referred to as Homo erectus pekinensis.

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Ailuropoda melanoleuca - The Chinese name for the giant panda is “daxiongmao,” translating as “large bear-cat.” For many years there has been debate within the scientific community to decide if the panda was more closely related to raccoons or bears. The panda’s appearance suggests it is a bear; a relative short and stocky body, powerful legs, and plantigrade feet, describing feet turned inwards when the animal is walking. Recent molecular studies have classified the giant panda as part of the Ursidea family, the bear family.