Golden Jackal - Jordan

The Dead Sea is 427 meters below sea level, making it the lowest point on earth. The lake has a surface area of about 600 square kilometers and a maximum depth of 306 meters. It is situated in the Jordan Rift Valley and fed by the Jordan River. With a salinity of 34%, the Dead Sea’s ability to support local animal life is limited.

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Canis aureus - The golden jackal shares a common feature with the coyote and fox; it is able to adapt itself to changing situations. This ability has allowed the jackal to survive in a rapidly changing environment of closer contact with encroaching human activity. The golden jackal feeds on a wide variety of food items ranging from fruit to small insects and mammals. The basic social unit of the jackal consists of a breeding pair and their offspring; sometimes juveniles or non-breeding adults will remain with the group to assist in rearing new litters.