Indian Crested Porcupine - Israel

The earliest known evidence for harvesting and preparing wild grains comes from Ohalo, an ancient settlement located on the shores of Lake Galilee. Wild barley and wheat grains dating back to more than 19,000 years ago were found at this site. The camp inhabitants also relied heavily on fish, fruit, and other plant foods.

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Hystrix indica - The Indian crested porcupine is adaptable to various environments and is found throughout much of Asia and parts of the Arabian Peninsula. It is a large rodent with lengths of almost 1 meter and weighs about 15 kilos. The porcupine has several layers of quills extending back from the shoulders; the tail is covered in shorter hollow quills. These hollow quills are rattled as a first warning against any predators. If the first warning fails, the animal turns its back and presents the intruder with a full display of quills.