Wild Goat - Armenia

Early humans achieved an important milestone 25 to 40 thousands years ago when they began making shoes. In 2008, a leather shoe was found in a cave near the village of Areni in Southern Armenia. Scientists have dated the shoe to being about 5,500 years old, making it the oldest leather shoe ever discovered.

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Capra aegagrus - The ancestor of the domesticated goat can be found in Europe and Central Asia. Wild goats prefer mountainous regions, especially areas with scree slopes, slopes with a mass of loose stones. It is an agile animal and uses the rocky cliffs when escaping from predators such as leopards or wolves. It is usually found in arid environments, but the wild goat of the Caucasus region inhabits wooded areas. Herds are large, consisting of females and their young. Males are solitary, but join the herds during the rutting season.