Canada Goose - Canada

Canada has more inland water systems than any other country. Canada’s Mackenzie River ranks as the 12th longest river in the world. Of the fifteen largest lakes, Great Bear, Great Slave, and Winnipeg are in Canada, four others are shared with the United States: Huron, Michigan, Ontario, and Superior.

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Branta canadensis - In the second year of life, a Canada goose will choose a permanent mate; Canada geese are monogamous and remain together for life. A female will typically lay a clutch of about five eggs. Both parents tend to the nest; the female dedicating herself to the incubation process and the male will standby to offer protection or help maintain the nest. The incubation period lasts from 24 to 28 days. Once hatched, the goslings are capable of walking, swimming, and fending for themselves in finding food.