Common Monkey Lizard - Venezuela

Angel Falls is located in the Guiana highlands of Southeastern Venezuela. It has the longest single drop of any waterfall in the world, but it is not the tallest waterfall, a distinction belonging to Tugela Falls in South Africa. Angel Falls is named for aviator Jimmie Angel, the first person to fly over the site. 

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Polychrus marmoratus - The common monkey lizard, also called the many-colored bush anole, can be found in the lower rainforests of Northern South America to as far south as Brazil. They are arboreal lizards able to use their strong claws for moving from branch to branch, with the long tail adding balance. The genus Polychrus translates as “many colors” and is a reference to the lizard’s ability to alter colors as a means of providing camouflage. They are diurnal, a term describing an animal active during daylight hours.