Harp Seal - Newfoundland and Labrador

The term “Newfoundland” had been used since the early 1500’s by explorers describing the newly found lands of the Northern Atlantic Ocean. Newfoundland became the 10th Canadian province in March of 1949. The name of the province was changed in December of 2001 to reflect the importance of the Labrador region.

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Pagophilus groenlandicus - The harp seal's habitat is spread across the Northern Atlantic ranging from the Cara and Barents Seas to the waters of Greenland and Newfoundland. Harp seals migrate in pursuit of their favorite food: cod, herring, and halibut. Except when heaving onto the pack ice to give birth or to seek temporary refuge when moulting, harp seals do not venture out of the water often. Adult males grow from 170 to 190 centimeters in length and reach an average weight of 135 kilos; females are smaller and lighter.