Jaguar - Paraguay

Guarani is a language spoken by the Guarani people, the native inhabitants of Paraguay. After Quechua, it is the second most widely spoken non-European language in the Americas. In 1992, Guarani was recognized by Paraguay as an official language, the only indigenous language in the Americas to achieve such status.

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Panthera onca - The jaguar can be found from Northern Mexico to Paraguay. Its coloration ranges from light yellow to reddish-brown, each variety having the characteristic dark spots. The jaguar is not as graceful or agile as the leopard, but it can climb trees to lie in wait for potential prey. Jaguars are also excellent swimmers and do not hesitate entering rivers or streams. With the exception of the mating season, jaguars are solitary animals. The jaguar has suffered sever habitat loss and is now limited to less than 50% of its historic range.