Queen Conch - Saint Lucia

In 1605, an English ship, the Olive Branch, was blown off course and made landfall on Saint Lucia. The crew, impressed with what they saw, considered establishing a permanent settlement. They were subjected to a fierce Carib attack and only 19 of the original 67 crew members managed to escape the island.

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Lobatus gigas - The queen conch, a sea snail, is a member of the Strombidae family. It is the largest conch endemic to the tropical Northwestern Atlantic, growing to a shell length of approximately 35 centimeters. The queen conch, once believed to be carnivorous, is a specialized herbivore feeding primarily on macroalgae and unicellular algae. The queen conch prefers deeper water, up to 35 meters, but if necessary, it will venture into shallow waters to be near a steady supply of food. Over-harvesting has resulted in a population decline.