Red-eyed Tree Frog - Panama

The proposal to construct a Pan-American highway was first made in 1889, but has not been officially completed. Panama’s Darién Gap, a mere 100 kilometers of dense rainforest, separates Panama and Columbia. Destruction of the pristine area has stopped any further efforts to pave over this missing connection.

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Agalychnis callidryas - The red-eyed tree frog is a colorful frog. It has black vertical pupils set into bright red corneas. The upper body is a vivid green, the sides consist of blue and yellow vertical stripes, the toes are bright orange or red, and the underside is white. Despite these bright colors, the red-eyed tree frog relies on camouflage to evade predators; it is not a poisonous frog. During daylight, they tuck themselves into a small lump and with eyes closed, remain motionless to blend in with the green canopy of the trees.