Resplendent Quetzal - Guatemala

Pharomachrus mocino - Quetzal is the common name of several large birds inhabiting Central America and the northern regions of South America. The resplendent quetzal is known for the iridescent feathers and long tail coverts of the male. Aside from the breeding season, they are solitary birds. Both parents tend to the task of incubating and feeding the young but the female usually abandons the nest before the chicks can fend for themselves; the male remains to complete the job.

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Guatemala served as both an Audiencia and a Captaincy General while under Spanish rule. An Audiencia was a judicial district with the powers of an appellate court. The Audiencia of Guatemala had jurisdiction over Central America. A Captaincy General was usually a region seen as susceptible to enemy intrusion and was therefore set-up under the administration of the military. Guatemala became an Audience in 1543, and was elevated to a Captaincy General in 1609.