Roses - United States of America

Rosaceae - The family of Rosaceae contains over 100 species of roses, a family of erect shrubs or climbing vines, with most varieties having thorns. The majority of rose species are native to Asia, but there are species native to each region of the world. Roses are primarily grown for ornamental purposes, but they do have other uses. The essential oils are extracted for use in manufacturing perfumes and rose hip, the fruit of the plant, can be made into jams, marmalades, soups, and teas.

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The first people in the United States arrived from Siberia via a land bridge across the Bering Sea more than 15,000 years ago. When the Europeans arrived, they found well established societies. The native people were displaced as each colonial power claimed their share of the newly discovered lands. The English took the Atlantic seaboard, the Spanish the Pacific coast and western region, the French claimed the Mississippi Valley, and the Dutch limited themselves to an area of present day New York.