Sharp-tailed Grouse - Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan experienced its arrival on the Canadian scene with the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the government’s Dominion Land Survey, an act granting parcels of land to willing settlers. Saskatchewan was carved out of the vast Northwest Territories holdings and given provincial status in 1905.

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Tympanuchus phasianellus - Each spring the male sharp-tailed grouse moves to his traditional “dancing” ground to perform a ritual breeding dance. He brings his tail feathers up, shakes them, and struts about in circles with wings outstretched while stomping his feet vigorously. The large purple neck sac will inflate with air and make a low cooing sound as the air is slowly released in an attempt to attract a potential mate. This type of mating dance is known as “lek mating.” Lekking is a more noticeable trait among avian species.