Sisserou Parrot - Dominica

Amazona imperialis - The sisserou parrot, also known as the imperial Amazon parrot, is restricted to an area near the Morne Diablotins Mountains and the Morne Trois Pitons National Park. The sisserou parrot averages 45 to 50 centimeters in length, weighs a mere .7 kilograms, and has a 76 centimeter wingspan. Male and female pair for life and can live to be 70 years old. Human encroachment and habitat destruction is threatening the sisserou parrot with the danger of extinction.

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The country of Dominica is situated on one of the youngest islands of the Caribbean, an island under construction as is evident by the island’s geothermal and volcanic activity. Boiling Lake, a small body of water approximately 63 meters across, is located in the Morne Trois Pitons National Park. It is a flooded fumarole, an opening in the earth’s crust in the vicinity of a volcano venting steam and gases heated by the molten lava. It is the world’s second largest hot springs and was discovered in 1870.