Wake Island is an unincorporated territory of the United States and serves as a military facility. Access to the island is restricted to authorized personnel only. It has been attached to the United States since 1899. The territory of Wake Island consists of three small atolls and a reef surrounding a central lagoon.
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Stenella longirostris - The spinner dolphin is a small dolphin inhabiting the warm tropical waters throughout most of the world. Adults average from 130 to 230 centimeters in length and weigh between 23 to 79 kilos. Their dorsal area is dark grey, flanks are light grey, and the underside is white; coloration does vary regionally. Mating occurs year-round with a gestation period of 10 months, typical of most dolphins. Breeding intervals are usually three years apart; females begin their first mating season at about 7 years of age.