Velvety Free-tailed Bat - Haiti

The Taino occupied Hispaniola prior to the arrival of Europeans in the Americas. They had migrated to Haiti, several other Caribbean islands, and Florida from South America. The Taino were in constant conflict with the more powerful Caribs; Haiti became a last refuge for the Taino until they were displaced by the Europeans.

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Molossus molossus - Bats, being mammals, have hair and as the name implies, the hair of the velvety free-tailed bat has a velvety texture. The tail extends further beyond the tail membrane than on most bats, a feature consistent with bats of the molossidae family. The velvety free-tailed bat is considered a medium sized bat; it grows to lengths of about 10 centimeters and has a wingspan of 33 centimeters. During the day it will roost in houses, hollow trees or under palm fronds. Colonies rarely exceed 300 individuals.