Blue Wildebeest - Eswatini

The annual migration of wildebeests is a gathering of over 1,000,000 individuals and an additional 500,000 other animals attaching themselves to the scattered herds: zebras, gazelles, and elands. It begins with the wildebeest cows giving birth to over 250,000 calves within a time frame of 2 to 3 weeks. This massive birthing event, the changing weather patterns, and the need to find reliable food sources combine to trigger the start of the migration. Some wildebeests are sedentary; they do not migrate.

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Eswatini derives its name from King Mswati II. Under his leadership, 1840 to 1868, the kingdom expanded  to included parts of present-day Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Eswatini retained its independence until 1903; it was made a British protectorate following the Anglo-Boer War. Swazi King Sobhuza II is considered as having the longest reign of any monarch in history, 1899 to 1982. He managed to successfully and peacefully devolve his kingdom from British control; Eswatini gained complete independence in 1968.