Hammer-headed Bat - Liberia

Hypsignathus monstrosus - The hammer-headed bat, also known as the big-lipped bat, is found throughout equatorial Africa. It is the largest bat in Africa with males having a wingspan of 70 to 95 centimeters; females are slightly smaller. The males also have an oddly shaped snout featuring an internal larynx and external lips. This allows for loud honking sounds used during the breeding seasons when males gather together and in a series of displays and vocalizations, attempt to attract females.

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The American Colonization Society was founded in 1817 by Robert Finley, a staunch abolitionist, for the purpose of returning freed American slaves to Africa. The ACS raised funds to purchase the freedom of slaves while those already free were offered an opportunity to resettle in Liberia. By 1821, the colony had establish a self-sustaining economy. In 1847, the Liberian colony, with the approval of the United States, declared itself an independent country. Liberia is usually listed as the first “free” African country.