Plains Zebra - Lesotho

Of the three countries in the world completely surrounded by another country; Lesotho, surrounded by South Africa, is the largest. The other two countries, San Marino and the Vatican City, are surrounded by Italy. Being an enclave to South Africa has brought Lesotho into close economic and political ties with its host.

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Equus quagga - The plains zebra is one of three extant zebra species; all are native to Africa. It is the more abundant of the three species and can be found along a narrow region extending from Southern Ethiopia to Lesotho. Striping on a plains zebra is vertical along the forward part of the body and horizontal on the hind quarters. Male and female adults are about equal in height, but males have heavier bodies. Born with a brown and white color pattern, the striping pattern of a foal gradually changes to black and white as it matures.