Rock Hyrax - Tanzania

Both Tanganyika and Zanzibar achieved their independence from Great Britain in 1961 and 1963 respectively. In 1964, the former colonies merged to form Tanzania, a portmanteau of the original names. According to the Articles of Union, Zanzibar is allowed a semi-autonomous status within the union of the two nations.

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Procavia capensis - Rock hyraxes live in highly structured social colonies of up to 80 individuals and are divided further along family lines. They are cautious animals and rarely venture far from their burrows; they prefer foraging for grasses and broad-leaf plants near their dens in case of any threats. It has been observed they use “sentries” for extra protection. One or two individuals will take a prominent position to watch for lurking predators while the others feed. Rock hyraxes use vocal sounds as a means of communication.