African Civet - Kenya

The Maasai Mara National Game Reserve consists of 1,510 square kilometers of pristine lands from the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem. It borders with the Serengeti National Park in neighboring Tanzania. Together these two parks offer over 17,000 square kilometers of refuge for African wildlife.

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Civettictis civetta - The African civet is in the Feliformia order, the order containing cats. The civet belongs to the Viverridae  family, the most primitive of the Feliformia. Civets are found between both coasts of Central Africa. It has small stumpy forelimbs and disproportionate hind quarters, a posture bringing the head to a lower level than the back. The black facial striping gives the animal the appearance of a raccoon. When assuming a defensive position, the civet doubles in size by fluffing out its fur and erecting its dorsal crest.