Aloe Vera - Cape Verde

Aloe vera plants are stemless or short-stemmed succulents growing to average heights of 80 centimeters. The edge of the thick leaves are serrated with small white teeth. Flowers are produced on the long stalks emerging from the center of the plant cluster. Succulent plants are sometimes referred to as “fat” plants. This is based on the leaf structures of the plant appearing thick or fleshy, an important feature of the plant for absorbing and retaining water in arid climates or poor soil conditions. 

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When the first Portuguese explorers arrived on the Cape Verde Islands, they found an uninhabited archipelago. The first permanent settlement was established in 1562 on Santiago, the largest island of the group. Ribeira Grande, now named Cidade Velha, was an important transit point on Cape Verde for ships passing between Europe, Africa, the Americas, and the Far East. One infamous route  passing through Cape Verde was used for transporting slaves from Africa to the Americas.