Cicadas - Congo (Brazzaville)

Aside from the Vatican City, a city completely contained within the city of Rome, there are no other world capitals as close in proximity as the capital cities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of Congo. The two cities, with a combined population of over 12 million people, are separated by the Congo River.

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Cicada - There are over 2,500 species of cicadas worldwide and they can be found on every continent except Antarctica. During the mating season, male cicadas attract females by producing a continuous “singing” noise through the flexing and relaxing of two internal structures called tymbals. The sound is amplified within the hollow section of the male’s abdomen and can reach extraordinary levels. Females also produce sounds by flicking their wings. Depending on species, the life cycle of a cicada ranges from 2 to 17 years.