Egyptian Vulture - Egypt

Neophron percnopterus - To stay clean and avoid contamination from rotting food, most vultures are void of feathers in the head and neck regions. The Egyptian vulture, a small Old World vulture, is an exception to this design. Feeding mainly on carrion, the Egyptian vulture will also take on small mammals, reptiles, and other birds. It is also one of the few birds able to use tools. Using a large rock as a hammer, an Egyptian vulture can crack open even the tough shell of an ostrich egg.

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The written records of ancient Egypt provide detailed descriptions of three distinct eras: Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom with several transitional periods between these eras. There is disagreement among Egyptologist in naming the founder of the first dynasty, the king responsible for the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. Most scholars agree it may have been Menes or Narmer, while others suggest Menes and Narmer may have been one and the same.