Hairy Frog - Cameroon

Trichobatrachus robustus - Native to the western area of Central Africa, the hairy frog is an odd amphibian. Breeding males develop dermal papillae along their flanks and thighs. These growths resemble hair, but are folds of skin containing arteries to provide the frog with an additional source of oxygen. When threatened, the hairy frog can defend itself by purposely breaking off a toe, force the bone through the skin and use the exposed claw as a weapon in defending itself. 

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The Fula people are one of the widest distributed ethnic groups of Africa. Despite being scattered throughout more than 20 countries, the Fula retain a common bound through their cultural traditions and language, Fulfulde. The Fula population exceeds 40 million people, with approximately 13 million living a semi-nomadic lifestyle. This makes them the world’s largest nomadic group. It was in the late 18th and early 19th century when the Fula established themselves as the dominate power in Cameroon.