Lion - Burundi

Lions differ from other felids; they form social groups called prides. A lion is classified as either resident or nomad. Females are usually resident and form the basic unit of a lion pride, but occasionally they do become nomads, leaving one pride and entering another. Male lions become nomads when they leave their maternal pride at maturity, about 2 to 3 years. As they grow older, males lions will either try to usurp a dominate male to take over his pride or form one of their own. 

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German East Africa, Deutsch-Ostafrika, was a collection of colonies controlled by Germany and included Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanganyika. Burundi was not as easy to pacify as Rwanda and Tanganyika. King Mwezi IV Gisabo managed to put up a stiff resistance to foreign domination. A treaty of friendship was negotiated in 1899 and Burundi was rolled into Germany’s African holdings. Belgium took control of the colony after World War I and ruled until Burundi became independent in 1962.