White-cheeked Turaco - Eritrea

Tauraco leucotis - White-cheeked turacos are native to Eritrea, Ethiopia, and South Sudan. They can be found in the podocarpus and juniper forests of those countries. Turaco chicks have a small claw attached to their wing. This feature is lost when the chicks fledge. The claws are probably used as a means of keeping the flightless chick in the nest. Turacos have a adjustable toe made to face either forwards or backwards to enable a secure grip on whatever surface the bird is perching on.

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In 100 AD, the Kingdom of Aksum was established in Eritrea and Northern Ethiopia. It was situated on both banks of the lower Red Sea. Aksum became an important trading center between the Roman Empire and India. Reaching its peak between 325 and 360 AD, while under the rule of Ezana, the Aksum Kingdom covered 1.25 million square kilometers. The eventual rise of more powerful Arab states brought about the decline and eventual displacement of the Aksum Kingdom in 940 AD.