American Cockroach - Lebowa

The Lebowa Bantustan was created in 1972 as a self-governing entity. Lebowa contained large portions of Sekukuniland, the ancestral  homeland of the Northern Sotho, also known as the Pedi people. Lebowa was also populated by the Ndebele, Batswana, and VaTsonga people. The homeland was abolished in 1994.

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Periplaneta americana - The American cockroach is native to Africa and the Middle East, but was introduced to the Americas and portions of Southern Europe during the early 1620’s. The American variety has a flattened body measuring about 4 centimeters. They are reddish-brown in color with a yellow border along the pronotum, the shield covering the head. With 3 stages of development: egg, nymph, and adult, the American cockroach has a long life cycle, about 1,000 days. A typical female can produce an average of 150 young in her lifetime.