Drinking Vessel - Poland

Drinking vessels made from animal horns gained popularity during the Greek and Roman age. The tradition continued through the middle ages. The horns of animals such as the aurochs and wisent were more desirable since the larger horn held more liquid. The drinking vessels were brought out during ceremonial occasions and were often carved with intricate designs or patterns, inlaid with precious gems, and featured edges lipped with silver or gold.

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Poland had the unfortunate history of having been partitioned between more powerful neighbors three times in its history. The first partition occurred in 1772 and divided Poland between Austria, Prussia, and Russia. The second occurred in 1793 and further divided Poland between Prussia and Russia. The third partition occurred in 1795 with Austria, Prussia, and Russia dividing what was left of Poland. This third partition erased Poland from the map until 1918, when the country re-emerged after World War I.