European Otter - Slovakia

There are three known aragonite caves; Molina de Aragón in Spain, Carlsbad Cavern in New Mexico, and the Ochtinská Aragonite Cave, located near the town of Rožnava, in Southern Slovakia.  Aragonite, a rare carbonate mineral, forms as inorganic precipitates in specially controlled cave environments.

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Lutra lutra - The European otter has the typical long and slender shape of those animal species belonging to the mustelid family. The slender body, webbed toes, and powerful tail serving as a rudder, makes the otter an ideal aquatic animal. The otter feeds primarily on fish, but will take on insects, small crustaceans, and amphibians as well as birds and their eggs. They are solitary animals and defend their territories vigorously. Otters rely more on their keen sense of sight rather than smell in detecting prey animals or predators.