Blackberry - Slovakia

Rubus laciniatus - The blackberry is native to Europe and is often confused with the raspberry. What distinguishes one from the other is whether the stem of the fruit remains on the plant or comes off attached with the picked fruit. With a blackberry, the stem stays attached to the fruit; the raspberry, when plucked off a plant, will have a hollow pit where the stem has detached itself. Blackberries are an essential food source for several animals ranging from small birds to large bears.

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Slovakia had been part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until the end of World War I. With the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Slovakia was merged with the Czech state to create Czechoslovakia. The Slovak people reluctantly complied with the creation of this artificial nation, but were more inclined in adhering to the principle of self-determination. It was not until 1993 and the peaceful dissolution of Czechoslovakia before Slovakia was allowed to become an independent nation.