Giant Puffball - Sweden

The Swedish Empire flourished during the 17th and 18th century and saw Sweden rise to become a prominent European power. It began during the reign of Gustavus Adolphus. His successful leadership during the Thirty Years War propelled Sweden into an era referred to as the “Stormaktstiden,” the “Great Power Era.”

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Calvatia gigantea - The giant puffball is the most conspicuous and one of the largest mushrooms. It averages 25 to 30 centimeters in diameter, but can grow up to a staggering 70 centimeters in diameter. They are found in nutrient rich pastures and open fields during late summer or early fall. The giant puffball has no stem or stalk serving as a root; only mycelial fibers connect and hold it to the ground. The spores, when mature, can be released by the slightest pressure; even a heavy raindrop can result in a release of several trillion spores.