Worm Fern - Sweden

Dryopteris filix-mas - The worm fern grows in the northern hemispheres of Europe and the Americas and is primarily found in damp woodlands. The leaves grow from a root stock featuring a single crown. Each leaf grows to a maximum length of 150 centimeters. The spores ripen in late summer to early fall and are released by the leaves when the indusium, a protective cover, begins to shrink back. The spores are usually located on the underside of the fern’s leaf or along the edge of the leaves.

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Sweden is one of three countries on the Scandinavian peninsula, a geographical, cultural, and historical region in Northern Europe with a common Germanic heritage. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden are the three countries most often associated with Scandinavia, but a broader use of the name sometimes includes Iceland and Finland. The languages of the three countries forms a dialect continuum, a term describing a range of dialects spoken across a geographical area with slight and subtle variances.